First Advisor
Powers, Robert A.
Document Type
Date Created
College of Natural and Health Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Mathematical Sciences Student Work
Embargo Date
This qualitative, multicase study sought to describe middle school mathematics teachers’ teaching practices as they implemented standards-based grading. Specifically, the study focused on understanding middle school mathematics teachers’ implementations of standards-based grading, use of assessment and feedback, and instructional design. Guided by cultural-historical activity theory lens, the researcher invited four middle school mathematics teachers who self-reported using standards-based grading practices to participate in the research study. Data collection for each case consisted of two interviews, lesson summaries and reflections, and classroom observations over the course of five consecutive class periods. Data analysis highlighted differences in the teachers’ uses of mathematical tasks during instruction, implementation of instructional types, and teacher moves used to engage students in supporting student reasoning, assessment strategies, and evaluation practices. The evidence suggests the need for improved standards documentation, resource development, and professional development both at the preservice and inservice levels to better achieve the recommendations of the standards-based grading literature.
275 pages
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Copyright is held by the author.
Digital Origin
Born digital
Recommended Citation
Morgan, Michelle Ann, "Standards-Based Grading Practices in Middle School Mathematics Classrooms: A Multicase Study" (2019). Dissertations. 577.