First Advisor
Vogel, Linda
Document Type
Date Created
College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Leadership Policy and Development: Higher Education and P-12 Education, LPD Student Work
In this research study, 14 faculty from 13 community colleges were interviewed about their experiences working within the guided pathways framework. They described how processes and procedures at their colleges were modified in significant ways after adopting guided pathways. Viewed through the lens of institutional logics, data suggested that multiple logics interacted and framed the individuals’ perceptions of guided pathways and their opinions regarding the resulting changes to practice. Where logics coexisted and demonstrated complementary values, guided pathways was viewed favorably. Guided pathways elicited negative reactions where logics coexisted in conflict. This research has implications for college leadership considering implementing guided pathways in how they create faculty buy-in through communication strategies.
157 pages
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Rights Statement
Copyright is held by the author.
Digital Origin
Born digital
Recommended Citation
Tombari, Christopher, "Where Are We on This Path? Faculty Experiences Working With Guided Pathways" (2022). Dissertations. 882.
Fall 2022 Graduate Dean's Citation for Outstanding Thesis, Dissertation, and Scholarly Project