Registration Guide:
  1. Go to the registration website.
  2. Click "Register Now."
  3. Sign up for an Iris account using an email address and choose your password.
  4. Enter your personal information, and select your participant type. If you are a university faculty member returning to the conference, select the last option, "University Faculty, not first-time attendee."
  5. Registrations should be submitted by March 21 to receive the early registration discounted price of $40, with a special price of $20 for first-time attendees, retired faculty, and K-12 faculty, and $15 for students.”
  6. Click "Next" at the bottom of the page.
  7. Select your additional options by clicking "Add to Cart" for each option.
  8. If you plan on attending the banquet on Friday evening, select your choice of meal. The cost is $35.
  9. The cost of the pre-conference workshop: Teaching with Primary Sources is $10. The cost of the Department Chair/Liason Luncheon is $11. A parking pass costs $2.50.
  10. If you have applied to Section NExT, select "Yes" at the bottom. Otherwise, select "No."
  11. Click "Next" at the bottom of the page.
  12. On the next page, if you are a returning university faculty member, you should verify your registration and continue to Checkout.
  13. If you are a first-time attendee, retiree, or K-12 faculty member, enter the code DISCOUNT50 under "Apply a coupon code:"
  14. If you are a student, enter the code STUDENTEARLY under "Apply a coupon code:"
  15. Click "Continue to Checkout"
  16. Enter your payment information.
  17. If you have any issues, contact Jeff King at

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