
Creation Date
Daniel Brown of the Tlingit Nation of Angoon, Alaska, celebrates the return of the Bear Clan Totem, once known as "Totem Teddy" on the University of Northern Colorado campus, and a Bear Clan headdress returned by the Logan Museum of Anthropology at Beloit College, Monday, Oct. 20, 2003. The Bear Clan Totem disappeared from Angoon in 1908 and reappeared in 1914 as a gift to UNC from U.S. Commissioner of Education for Alaska Andrew Thompson, an 1897 UNC alumnus. Brown wears the Bear Clan headdress repatriated to the Tlingit by Beloit College in its first traditional dance since it entered private and museum artifact collections.
Greeley (Colorado)
Copyright is held by Kevin Moloney.
Tlingit Indians, Tlingit art, repatriation