First Advisor

Parnell, Kenneth

Document Type


Date Created



College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Applied Psychology and Counselor Education, APCE Student Work


Economic instability in the United States has significant mental health implications for populations who experience limited occupational autonomy. Literature has demonstrated that career exploration plays an important role in positive occupational outcomes, and research has begun to establish a relationship between hope and career exploration. Hope has been further associated with myriad positive outcomes in the fields of career development and counseling psychology. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between socioeconomic status, hope, and career exploration as guided by Social Cognitive Career Theory, and to ascertain whether hope may moderate between socioeconomic status and career exploration. A hierarchical linear regression was utilized to address research questions using data provided by a sample of 372 undergraduate students across the United States. Findings supported a significant relationship between hope and career exploration but did not find a moderation effect. Implications for theory, research, and clinical implication are discussed.


150 pages

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Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author.

Digital Origin

Born digital
