First Advisor

Parker, Carlo

Document Type


Date Created



College of Natural and Health Sciences, Nursing, Nursing Student Work


This qualitative descriptive study sought to describe undergraduate faculty expectations of new graduate nurses’ entry-level competencies. By gaining valuable insight from nursing faculty, essential knowledge gained from this faculty perspective will benefit nursing students, nursing education, and all stakeholders in providing safe, quality care and establishing congruent entry-level competencies for new graduate nurses. Eleven faculty from the central and eastern portions of the United States participated in this study. In-depth interviews using open-ended questions were conducted, recorded, and transcribed by the researcher. A thematic analysis was conducted to identify recurring themes. The themes were validated by the participants using a member-checking process. Five themes were identified: (a) novice nurse, (b) curriculum development, (c) practice partner collaboration, (d) faculty challenges are real, and (e) pathways to improving competency. The findings revealed undergraduate nursing faculty expect a new graduate nurse to have a generalist nursing foundation with basic skills and knowledge to provide safe, quality care. Additionally, curriculum development incorporating competency content into undergraduate nursing education is imperative to stay current with an ever-increasingly complex healthcare environment. Furthermore, congruent competency expectations with academia and practice are critical to new graduate nurse competency development. The discussion section provided several recommendations for nursing faculty for new graduate nurse competency. Essential insight from nursing faculty for new graduate nurse competency would potentially benefit all stakeholders responsible for providing and paying for safe, quality nursing care.


140 pages

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Copyright is held by the author.
