First Advisor

Milian, Madeline

Second Advisor

Lahman, Maria K. E.

Document Type


Date Created



College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Teacher Education, Teacher Education Student Work


This study is an exploration of the journey to becoming a Thai English teacher. Guided by narrative epistemology and by utilizing the theoretical lens of goodness, I employed life story interviews, classroom observations, photo-elicitations, shadowing techniques, and artifacts to collect the data necessary for this study. The teachers were recruited through the combination of a principal’s suggestion, a department head’s recommendation, a teacher’s reference, and their willingness to participate in the study. The data were analyzed by using the portraiture methods and the Zoom model. The data revealed that the journey to becoming an English teacher for each participant was developmental, messy, complicated, and multidimensional. The journeys consisted of three vital events: (a) inspirations for becoming an English teacher, (b) individual journeys to become an English teacher, and (c) motivations to remain an English teacher. The three Thai English teachers decided to enter the teaching profession because of the following reasons: destiny, pride, schooling, the influence of their mothers, job security, society, and resisting an affront. After entering the profession, the three Thai English teachers became successful through hard work and active involvement in the profession. These teachers shared similar characteristics; they were all exertive, responsible, and innovative. They also had unique attributes that contributed to their success such as well-roundedness, leadership, kindheartedness, good mannerisms, sassiness, willingness to advocate for change, and sense of humor. The findings also showed that the three Thai English teachers stayed in the teaching profession because of the following reasons: students, pride, teaching, sense of belonging, right career, and hometown.

Abstract Format



English language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers; English teachers; Children -- Thailand -- Language; Bilingualism in children


304 pages

Local Identifiers


Rights Statement

Copyright is held by author.

Digital Origin

Born digital
