First Advisor
Williams, Mia Kim
Document Type
Date Created
College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Educational Technology Programs, Ed Tech Student Work
Although mobile learning using smartphones and applications or apps have the potential to inform and educate individuals in an outdoor environment, users may find that connectivity issues and basic knowledge of outdoor environments, including both physical and emotional, could be limited by what this technology provided. This study provided my perspective as both participant and researcher on a journey over 150 miles on the Colorado Trail, using my iPhone as my primary tool for navigation and information for learning how to survive in an outdoor environment. From the beginning, the physical effects were difficult to overcome, but it was the psychological toll that became my greatest obstacle and the one element where mobile learning in the outdoor environment proved to have the greatest value. While this was one perspective, in a single study, by one participant, in which mobile learning in an outdoor environment took place, there were several themes that developed in regards to data connection, the use of fluid apps, the usefulness of static apps, and the restrictions of power in rural mountainous environments. These themes were emphasized to help future researchers further develop this information to help in the continued development of outdoor education using mobile learning.
Apps, iPhone, Mobile Learning, Outdoor Education, Outdoor Learning, Smartphone
255 pages
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Rights Statement
Copyright is held by the author.
Digital Origin
Born digital
Recommended Citation
Nikolaeff, Ivan, "Outdoor Education and Mobile Learning: an Autobiographical Narrative Using Application-Based Information and Resources" (2016). Dissertations. 332.