First Advisor

Cardona, Betty

Document Type


Date Created



College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Applied Psychology and Counselor Education, APCE Student Work

Embargo Date



The purpose of this qualitative study was to better understand the experiences of older adults regarding the process of transitioning into assisted living facilities. A constructivist epistemology, narrative methodology, purposeful sampling, and dialogic performance analysis were used to generate the final representations. Data for the study were collected through transcribed video and audio-recorded interviews, member checks, and researcher journals. Data analysis involved recursive movement between written transcripts, video recordings, researcher journals, and cultural contexts. The initial outcome of this this study was a written narrative that interweaves data analysis with narratives of gaining access, sampling, conducting interviews, and member checking. The written narratives and interview transcripts were used to guide the process of creating a video representation of participants’ narratives. The results of this study are a diverse range of participant experiences that are richly constructed to challenge stereotyped depictions of older adults. The findings from this study have implications for counselors, counselor educators, other mental health professionals, gerontologists, assisted living facility administrators, future cohorts of older adults, and researchers. These implications include increased advocacy regarding older adults’ needs, trainings for care providers, increased access to mental health care, and a need to better understand development in later life.


Aging, Assisted Living, Counseling, Gerontology, Residential Care, Transition


251 pages

Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author.
