First Advisor

Johnson, Brian

Document Type


Date Created



College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Applied Psychology and Counselor Education, APCE Student Work


The present study investigated the interrelationships between interrelated goals, anxiety, somatic symptoms, and mindfulness among a sample of undergraduate college students (n = 454). Structural equation modeling was used to develop a well-fitting model based on collected data. Results showed that goal conflict was positively associated with higher levels of anxiety and somatic symptoms. Anxiety was found to mediate the relationship between goal conflict and somatic symptoms. Goal facilitation was found to be unrelated to anxiety and somatic symptoms. Mindfulness was not found to moderate the relationship between anxiety and somatic symptoms, but was found to be negatively related to lower levels of goal conflict, anxiety, and somatic symptoms. Mindfulness was also correlated with goal facilitation. This study serves as further evidence in support of Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory. Results of the study also serve to illuminate the importance of goal conflict and its role in explaining anxiety and somatic symptoms, as well as the role of mindfulness as being associated with lower levels of these constructs that are demonstrated in literature to have a negative impact on psychological and physiological health and well-being.


Goal conflict, Goal facilitation, Anxiety, Somatic symptoms, Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory


202 pages

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Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author.
