First Advisor
Kendrick, David S.
Second Advisor
Kyser, Christine D.
Document Type
Date Created
College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Educational Technology Programs, Ed Tech Student Work
In an attempt to explore better learning opportunities for students, research indicates that teachers must actively pursue their own professional development. With advanced social media options available, an affordable, accessible social learning tool such as Edmodo could be used for teachers’ professional development as well as communicating, motivating, and collaborating with students. Interactive online environments with their peers encourage educators to they can initiate evidence-based learning strategies. This study was designed to examine the relevance of web-based professional development for teachers. The study focused on evaluating how teachers’ professional development activities could be conducted through social networking sites, specifically Edmodo. The study also focused on teachers’ perceptions and experiences with a networking platform as a mechanism for delivering quality professional development. Over 50% of educators are unengaged in online professional development; however, increasing numbers of teachers are advocating the use of social platforms for education. Currently, there is a gap in the literature with respect to teachers’ online professional development. This study was a normative, quantitative analysis that studied the relevance of a social learning network on a specific population in the country of Kuwait. This study suggested the need for future research on utilizing such a platform for learning and in the online professional development arena.
Abstract Format
Edmodo; Internet; Management and design; professional development; Social learning
226 pages
Local Identifiers
Rights Statement
Copyright is held by author.
Digital Origin
Born digital
Recommended Citation
Alfailakawi, Ahmad, "Education Management and Design System: Use of Internet Based Social Learning Network as a Tool to Support High School Teaching Staff in Kuwait" (2015). Dissertations. 5.