First Advisor

Luckner, John L.

Document Type


Date Created



College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Special Education, Special Education Student Work

Embargo Date



The field of deaf education has moved from a direct service model to a primarily indirect service model. This means that teachers of students who are deaf or hard of hearing (TSDHH) increasingly work with school staff as well as with students. However, many TSDHH report feeling unprepared for the consultative aspect of their role, for which training may have been limited during their preparation program. This qualitative study used appreciative inquiry to study what is working in TSDHH and classroom teacher partnerships. Five dyads were selected through a two-step nomination process. The 10 selected teachers (general education classroom teachers and TSDHH) participated in separate semi-structured interviews about their professional partnerships. Joint and separate interviews served as the primary methods of data collection. A portraiture design was utilized to answer the following: What are the perceptions and experiences of teachers of students who are deaf or hard of hearing and general education classroom teachers regarding the consultation process? What are the qualities of successful partnerships between teachers of students who are deaf or hard of hearing and general education classroom teachers? Themes that arose among dyads included flexibility, shared goals, and mutual respect. For classroom teachers, themes included flexibility, a welcoming nature, and “good” teaching. For TSDHH, themes included flexibility, positivity, an ability to read the teacher, and an ability to work the room. Results have implications for teacher preparation and professional development, especially in terms of explicitly teaching consultation models, skills, and processes. Findings are integrated with current research, and suggestions for teacher preparation and professional development are discussed.


172 pages

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