First Advisor

Rude, Harvey

Document Type


Date Created



College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Special Education, Special Education Student Work


The ultimate goal of this concurrent embedded mixed-method study was to

describe the implementation of Response to Intervention (RTI) and understand the role of

Response to Intervention at the fourth-grade elementary school level on the academic

performance. This study examined both qualitative and quantitative data. In the

qualitative phase, a case-study method was utilized by collecting data in the form of

interviews, observations, and corresponding data collection. The quantitative data

examined student data based on progress monitoring in math and reading. The researcher

analyzed and graphed the students’ data to determine a trend of student performance

when provided with Response to Intervention services. From the qualitative phase, the

researcher identified four major themes: Response to Intervention Implementation;

Response to Intervention Evaluation and Identification; Collaboration; and the

Participants’ Preparation for Response to Intervention. In the quantitative phase, the

researcher found two general patterns of change on the students’ data. These patterns

were growth and non-growth. The findings showed that general education teachers,

special education teachers, and interventionists supported the implementation of

Response to Intervention and its processes. The quantitative data reflected the successful

practices of practitioners engaged in the implementation of Response to Intervention.

The data showed that students did not fall further behind when they received

interventions within the Response to Intervention framework. The interpretation of these

findings led the researcher to examine the future implications for practitioners of

Response to Intervention and policy makers. Overall, there was a need for further

research into the implementation of Response to Intervention, how behavior should be

included into the Response to Intervention framework, and the importance of in-depth

quality training and professional development for educators.

Keywords: Response to Intervention, progress monitoring, mixed-method, RTI


Abstract Format



Special education; Mixed-method; Progress monitoring; Response to Intervention; RTI Implementation


240 pages

Local Identifiers



Fall 2012 Graduate Dean's Citation for Outstanding Thesis, Dissertation, and Capstone

Rights Statement

Copyright is held by author.

Digital Origin

Born digital
