First Advisor

McConnell Moroye, Christine

Document Type


Date Created



College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Teacher Education, Teacher Education Student Work


This dissertation explored the impact of chronic within-year teacher turnover through the narratives of students who have experienced it. A three-part series of interviews were used to capture these lived stories, in addition to artifact collection and creation, by focusing on the perceptions of events through time and the impact of said events on students’ beliefs and understandings of teacher-student relationships. Participants included three junior students who had experienced within-year teacher turnover chronically, with three instances or more in their school career. The data collected from these series of interviews and collection of artifacts were analyzed and restoryed alongside participants using the conventions of narrative inquiry. Rather than shared as one story in multiple parts, each participant’s story was shared individually, braided together through any commonalities of theme in order to better explore the impact of chronic within-year teacher turnover on students. Findings included that across these narratives all students experienced positive or negative emotions and that all participants experienced academic or relational challenges due to their encounters of within-year teacher turnover. The implications of this work attend to systems of support in the face of within-year teacher turnover and more generally to teacher-student relationships.


199 pages

Local Identifiers


Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author.

Digital Origin

Born digital
