Degree Name

Master of Arts

Document Type


Date Created



College of Performing and Visual Arts, Theatre Arts and Dance, Theatre Arts and Dance Student Work


The purpose of this study was to investigate differing views on the value of dance and its place within the public-education system. The researcher crafted three research questions to guide her research:

Q1 What barriers or objections exist when it comes to incorporating dance within the public-school setting? Q2 What discrepancies exist between the viewpoints of dance educators and non-dance familiars when it comes to dance and its value within the public education system? Q3 What specific steps can be taken to highlight the importance of dance education in the public-school setting?

Nine dance educators and twelve non-dance familiars completed a survey in which they answered questions about their views on various twenty-first century skills and dance’s role within the public-school sector. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data indicated that while both participant groups were largely in agreement about the relative importance of the surveyed twenty-first century skills, dance educators and non-dance educators were less unified on their beliefs about which skills could be strengthened through regular participation in dance classes. The findings of this study also highlighted several barriers to the growth of dance in the public-school sector, including funding, lack of understanding of content and benefits by non- dance familiars, educational priorities, and the current structure of public-school dance classes.

Limitations of this study included the small participant pool involved in the study, validation of research instruments, and potential inherent biases held by the participants. Additionally, although the researcher made every effort to conduct this study without bias, it would be important for another researcher or group of researchers to repeat this study in order to verify the current findings.


dance; public school; barriers; education; advocacy; dance education; K-12; survey; twenty-first century skills; 21st century skills

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