Degree Name

Master of Arts

Document Type


Date Created



College of Performing and Visual Arts, Theatre Arts and Dance, Theatre Arts and Dance Student Work


The purpose of this study was to evaluate and analyze what contributing factors influence stress and burnout in K-12 public school dance teachers and collect information to analyze the ways in which teachers can minimize stress to prevent burnout. The research was conducted by current and former dance educators with a minimum of 3 years teaching experience in rural and urban school districts. Thirty-two dance teachers participated in the survey study. The purpose of this study was to examine the causes of burnout among K-12 public school dance teachers and preventative strategies to improve teacher retention in 21st century education. The results of this study can help advocate for dance educators to be supported by district and campus administration when teachers are experiencing stress and burnout from professional responsibilities, instructional factors, classroom management, student factors, parent factors, and personal factors.


Burnout; Stress; Dance Teachers; Public School; K-12; Retention; 21st Century Education

Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author.
