First Advisor

Givray, Deborah A.

Degree Name

Master of Public Health

Document Type


Date Created



This study explored an increase in the number of sexual assaults in students who were under the influence of alcohol. Seventy percent of students were raped when alcohol was a contributing factor at the time of assault. Location was also a major factor in the number of campus sexual assaults. Sixty-five percent of assaults were on campus; among these assaults, 90% of these sexual assaults were committed on college grounds. Acquaintance and date rapes are also very common on college campuses. Ninety percent of the victims reported by the Assault Survivors Advocacy Program (ASAP) were acquainted with the perpetrator. Chi square tests were conducted on alcoholic versus non-alcoholic assaults (2χ= 13.762, p < .0001), on-campus compared to off-campus assaults (location;2χ= 38.81, p < .0001), and on stranger in contrast to non-stranger assaults (2χ= 55.048, p < .0001). Although the sample size was small for alcohol, location, and acquaintance assaults, all three tests were statistically significant, indicating that alcohol, location, and acquaintance played a role in sexual victimization of students at the University of Northern Colorado.

Abstract Format



Alcohol and sex; Victims of violent crimes; Alcohol use; Rape


111 pages

Local Identifiers


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Copyright is held by author.
