First Advisor

Minton, Sandra L.

Degree Name

Master of Arts

Document Type


Date Created



College of Performing and Visual Arts, Theatre Arts and Dance, Theatre Arts and Dance Student Work

Embargo Date



The purpose of this study was to design movement and dance-integrated lessons that would complement a poetry unit in a fifth grade language arts class at a public charter school. This quantitative and qualitative study sought to discover how the use of creative movement and dance could improve students’ ability to communicate through writing, and revise their work, as well as assess how this approach to teaching would effect their ability to think critically. These integrated lessons aligned with Colorado State Core Standards and 21st Century skills, as dance integration promotes the use of creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration among students in their classroom. The findings share how the use of dance integration in the classroom may have a positive effect on student engagement and behavior. This research hopes to inform current and future educators of the potential benefits an integrated style of learning can have on students and how it might build their excitement about learning. It also advocates for the importance of having experienced dance educators in public schools that are able to assist classroom teachers with dance integration.


Dance integration, Dance education


92 pages

Local Identifiers


Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author.

Digital Origin

Born digital
