First Advisor

Stewart, Connie Cosby

Second Advisor

Slivka, Kevin

Degree Name

Master of Arts

Document Type

Action Research Project

Date Created



This action research project was designed to address the prevalent issue of childhood trauma. The research introduces art interventions such as art journaling, narrative art making, art related life skills and famous narrative artists to students who had experienced traumatic situations. The project was implemented with the collaboration of the school counselor and the assistant principal. The project ran for approximately nine weeks in the winter and spring of 2015. Students met once per week to learn a new life skill such as deep breathing, to create a work of art related to that life skill and to journal about their experiences. The students also had the opportunity to create a permanent art mosaic on the school grounds as a culminating project. By studying the data, it becomes clear that art journaling, narrative art making and implementation of art related life skills have had a positive impact on students experiencing trauma. When examining the data, student absenteeism went down. According to the student emotional health questionnaires, the emotional health of these students improved, their art journal entries proved that they were able to connect with their peers better and to make friends, and teacher surveys showed improved social and emotional behavior. In my observations, there was a significant correlation between students receiving art art interventions and confidence gained to try new things. I also observed that art intervention students became more positive about life in general, seemed better able to become part of a peer group and to cope with everyday life.


Narrative art; Art therapy


85 pages

Local Identifiers


Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author.
