First Advisor

Stewart, Connie K.

Degree Name

Master of Arts

Document Type

Action Research Project

Date Created



This is a mostly qualitative study, which uses a survey methodology, developed to determine who doodles and why. Over one-thousand people were surveyed, via social media, to determine if doodlers have specific characteristics. Do left handed people tend to doodle more than right handed? Does a specific age group tend to doodle more often than another? Do people with ADD/ADHD tendencies have a stronger likelihood to doodle? Along with the specific characteristics of the doodler, the reason for doodling was also researched. Is the doodling taking place out of boredom or is it to help the doodler focus in a meeting or class? Throughout this paper these questions will be examined.


Art; Drawing; Doodling


46 pages

Local Identifiers


Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author.
