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The purpose of the project is to improve online teaching and students’ learning experience. Specifically, this project focuses on assessing the impact of interactive course activities on students’ perceived learning and persistence in online courses.

Three types of interaction are commonly discussed in the online learning literature: student-instructor (S-I) interaction, student-student (S-S) interaction, and student-content (S-C) interaction. In this study, interactive course activities are defined as activities that provide a structure to promote the communication between students and the instructor and among students.

At UNC, during fall 2017, 18% of the undergraduate and 46% of the graduate students enrolled in at least one distance/online course1. This study aims to assess the usage of different online course activities at UNC, and explore how interactive course activities impact online students’ perceived learning and persistence. By perceived learning, we refer to students’ expected grade, knowledge gain, and learning satisfaction. By persistence, we refer to students’ course completion.


2018-2019 Assessment Mini-Grant
