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Based on initial results from Summer 2020, we wanted to expand and further refine UNIV 101’s Summer Support Initiative and continue to assess its impact on student success and belongingness to the institution. Expansion of the program included increased marketing to entering students by partnering with both new student orientation and the advising centers on campus. In addition to the tutorials and resources on canvas (used in the previous summers), face-to-face activities were offered to support increased connections to instructors, class leaders and peers. UNC and UNIV 101 swag was used to incentivize participation. The research questions that were explored and answered included:

  • What effect did participation in the summer programming have on student sense of connectedness and belonging?
  • What activities and resources did students use and find helpful? What barriers were there to participation?

We hypothesized that students who participate in the programming will endorse greater feelings of connectedness to both faculty and peers as well as overall sense of belonging to the college community, compared to those who did not participate.

Participants included students enrolled in the Fall 2021 UNIV 101 program. Data collection included survey responses collected during the third week of classes.


2021-2022 Assessment Mini-Grant
