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This project focused on building an assessment instrument (survey) to ensure that the Department of Geography, GIS, & Sustainability is meeting its learning outcomes. Over the long-term, we hope to understand the following using this assessment tool:

  1. How do students describe their self-efficacy, perception of teaching, and experiential learning opportunities in their sophomore year when it comes to the above learning outcomes?
  2. How do students describe their self-efficacy, perception of teaching, and experiential learning opportunities in their senior year when it comes to the above learning outcomes?
  3. Do our students’ responses to questions that measure the above questions show that we are meeting or exceeding our own expectations when it comes to our program-level learning outcomes?
  4. Are our students leaving UNC with the skills described in the Institutional Learning Outcomes, including Mastering Foundational Skills, Strengthening Interactions with Others, Connecting Ideas and Experiences, and Developing Professional Competence?


2023-2024 Assessment Mini-Grant
