Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice

Document Type

Scholarly Project

Date Created



College of Natural and Health Sciences, Nursing, Nursing Student Work


Diabetes mellitus type II (DMT2) affects the Hispanic population in the United States at an alarming rate, contributing to elevated morbidity and mortality. This growing ethnic group is also disproportionately at risk for obesity and being at a lower socioeconomic status, both of which contribute to DMT2 severity and prevalence. The provision of culturally competent care in the primary care setting using evidence-based lifestyle modifications has the potential to improve DMT2 outcomes among this socioeconomically disadvantaged population. Thus, the expert opinions of eight primary care providers in the Pueblo, Colorado community were sought where half of the patient population identified as being of Hispanic descent and almost a quarter were impoverished. As underpinned by Leininger’s (Leininger & McFarland, 2006) culture care theory (CCT), the purpose of this DNP scholarly project was to utilize the current literature and a panel of clinical experts to develop a culturally relevant lifestyle modification guide for management of DMT2 among Hispanic patients. The guide was developed using the Delphi method and was designed for use in the primary care setting to develop a plan of care that was culturally and socioeconomically sensitive with the goal of testing its effectiveness in future research.


Diabetes type 2; Hispanic; Underserved; Lifestyle modifications; Primary care; Culturally relevant

Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author.
