First Advisor

Dunemn, Kathleen

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice

Document Type

Scholarly Project

Date Created



College of Natural and Health Sciences, Nursing, Nursing Student Work


In December 2017, a rural family planning clinic (FPC) attached to a local county health department in Wyoming initiated an express sexually transmitted infection (STI) visit that offered affordable, convenient, and confidential gonorrhea (GC), chlamydia (CT), syphilis, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) screening. For the purposes of this project, GC/CT was the main focus as these diseases can have long-term negative effects on reproductive health and were the most common STIs diagnosed in the FPC during a quality improvement project conducted by the clinic provider. The provider utilized the reach, efficacy, adoption, implementation, and maintenance framework (RE AIM; 2019) to evaluate the express STI visit. The provider found re-screening rates had dropped 24% after the express STI visit was started, leading to a literature review of interventions that might improve re-screening. Using the Stetler (2001) model of research utilization, the provider decided “active recall” was the most feasible for the FPC to implement. Active recall is a text message, email, or phone call reminder to the patient three months after treatment for positive GC/CT. Active recall was implemented for a test period of three months on 182 patients who made up the sample for this project. The STI express visit was re-evaluated a second time using the RE-AIM framework. It was found that after the initiation of the express STI visit, screening rates were higher in iv the FPC. Re-screening rates were 27% higher after adding active recall than they were during the same time frame a year prior.


63 pages

Local Identifiers


Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author.
