First Advisor

Hulac, David

First Committee Member

Kriescher, Stephanie

Second Committee Member

Peterson, Phillip Eric

Third Committee Member

Cieminski, Amie

Document Type


Date Created



College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, School Psychology, School Psychology Student Work


The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether after participation in the classroom management intervention (GBG), students would perform better in a behavioral measure of selfregulation than those who did not receive the intervention (business-as-usual group). In total, 48 preschool students across four classrooms were either assigned to a treatment or control group. The treatment groups completed a one-day behavioral intervention during circle time, whereas classes in the control groups were conducted business-as-usual. All participants completed a preand posttest measure of self-regulation (head toes knees shoulders). The analysis method was two-pronged, consisting of a two-way, mixed methods ANOVA performed to test the difference between pre- and posttest scores to ascertain whether participation in the intervention affected the results and a two-way repeated measures within-subjects ANCOVA to determine if any confounding variables had an impact on score differences between the pre- and posttest. Results indicated a significant, overall effect on pre- and posttest performance on HTKS scores, regardless of group assignment. The results of this study suggested that participation in the behavioral intervention did not result in a statistically significant change on the self-regulation measure. Furthermore, the main effects, covariates, or interactions between pre- and posttest differences and individual factors were not significant. Results indicated that participation in circle time may influence a child’s ability to self-regulate but the occurrence of a practice effect may have affected these results due to the pre-test/posttest design of the study.

Abstract Format



self-regulation; preschool; Good Behavior Game; Head Toes Knees Shoulders


154 pages

Local Identifiers


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Copyright is held by the author.
