First Advisor

Henry, Melissa L.

First Committee Member

Copeland, Darcy A.

Second Committee Member

McNeill, Jeanette A.

Third Committee Member

Bezyak, Jill

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy

Document Type


Date Created



College of Natural and Health Sciences, Nursing, Nursing Student Work


The purpose of this study was to explore nurse educators’ beliefs using the conceptual framework of the theory of planned behavior to investigate faculty behavioral, normative, and control beliefs toward providing academic accommodations for prelicensure nursing students with disabilities. The theory of planned behavior served as the study’s framework to guide data collection and analysis. Semi-structured interviews from 13 study participants representing all regions of the United States were conducted. Nurse educators described their experiences providing academic accommodations to students with physical, sensory, learning, emotional/mental health, and medical disabilities in clinical, lab, and didactic learning environments. Data analysis employed the use of provisional and inductive coding methods with constant comparative analysis to identify three themes and eight sub-themes. These findings represented the general beliefs of nurse educators regarding academic accommodations, perceived internal and external motivators in this process, and their views regarding the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to effectively implement requested accommodations. The importance of the role of nursing program administrators, nurse educators, and professional nursing organizations in this process were highlighted with suggestions describing multiple opportunities for improving the process of providing academic accommodations to prelicensure nursing students with disabilities.

Abstract Format



259 pages

Local Identifiers


Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author.
