First Advisor

Applegate, Erik

First Committee Member

Casey, Brian

Second Committee Member

Williams, Shawn

Degree Name

Doctor of Arts

Document Type


Date Created



College of Performing and Visual Arts, Music, Music Student Work


Larry Grenadier is a jazz bassist of renown who has shared the stage with many greats of the jazz world. His most significant musical collaborator, pianist Brad Mehldau, released a series of albums in the latter half of the 1990’s known as The Art of The Trio recordings with five volumes that feature Grenadier on bass and Jorge Rossy on drums. Of the forty-five tracks across the five recordings, Grenadier takes nineteen solos that cover a wide range of styles. The purpose of this study is to create a large-scale project to better cement Larry Grenadier’s position within jazz scholarship as well as codify his improvisational language and style. As transcription is one of the most important tools jazz musicians at their disposal and is a key element to gaining an understanding of the sound and style of jazz improvisation. This study compiles the transcriptions of the nineteen solos from The Art of The Trio recordings and, through analysis, has codified Grenadier’s improvisational language. Bassists, and other jazz musicians, can use this study to gain a better understanding of Grenadier’s sound and style as well as apply the methodology to other jazz musicians to codify their improvisational language.

Abstract Format



208 pages

Local Identifiers


Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author.
