First Advisor

Black, Linda L.

First Committee Member

Black, Kim

Second Committee Member

Vaughan, Angela

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy

Document Type


Date Created



College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Leadership Policy and Development: Higher Education and P-12 Education, LPD Student Work


The purpose of this interpretive case study was to investigate how several community colleges work with local industry partners to create market alignment and uncover the social outcomes within their communities. Most studies within labor market alignment focus on the economic outcomes, but this study sought to review the social outcomes. This study explored practitioners’ commitment and their pursuit to further students' career opportunities through increased stakeholder engagement and credential alignment by investigating how industry initiatives impact diverse groups of students, creating new opportunities for career and social impacts. Some outcomes include status markers of economic freedom, while others seek to create personal growth and leadership for communal good within society. This study sought to review programs that have successfully created economic partnerships for responsive curriculum to evaluate the soft skills and social outcomes within their communities. This research looked at 5 community colleges that were active in the Trade Adjustment and Assistance Community College Training Grant; from 2012 to 2016, interviewing one faculty member and one industry partner from each institution, for 10 participants, to track changes within their institutions and across their communities while implementing curriculum aligned with labor market need. The guiding research question was, ‘What are the perceptions/experiences of faculty and industry partners on social outcomes within their respective communities where labor market alignment guides academic programming?’ The review of outcomes in labor market alignment may help to guide initiatives in the field to continue improvement on other projects that seek to align skills while also creating active citizens in leadership for the good of their community.

Abstract Format



147 pages

Local Identifiers


Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author.
