First Advisor

Smith, Mark

Second Advisor

Krause, Jennifer

Document Type


Date Created



College of Natural and Health Sciences, Kinesiology Nutrition and Dietetics, KiND Student Work


The purpose of this study was to explore the beliefs, perspectives, and opinions of physical education (PE) teachers regarding PE curriculum (the content and teaching styles, the purpose of PE, and the potential improvements related to PE curriculum) at the elementary level by: (a) examining current curricular and instructional practices and perspectives of exemplary Thai PE teachers; and (b) examining curriculum development and instructional practices of current exemplary PE teachers in the United States (U.S.). The participants were eight exemplary PE teachers. A semi-structured interview design was utilized in order to gather information of participants’ perspectives. Each interview lasted approximately 45 minutes. All interviews were audio recorded and later transcribed for analysis. Data collection occurred in three ways: (a) in-depth semistructured interviews; (b) documents; and (c) semi-structured follow-up interviews. Data were analyzed using a thematic coding method in order to find the significant statements that related to research questions. The findings regarding the purpose of elementary PE indicated that the participants in the U.S. thought it should focus on educating students about the value of physical activity and lifelong healthy lifestyles and promote fun and enjoyment in PE classes. Participants in Thailand shared that the purpose should emphasize the development of good fundamental skills and engage students so that they develop a love for and good attitudes in PE. For PE content, participants in the U.S. thought it should include five areas: movement skills, emotional and social skills, physical fitness and personal wellness, prevention and risk management, and basic sport skills. Participants in Thailand shared that PE content should include: movement skills, basic sport skills, Thai traditional games, and morality. Findings related to teaching styles found that participants in the U.S. implemented: peer teaching; cooperative learning; direct instruction, demonstration, and feedback; and personal responsibility. Participants in Thailand utilized group process, demonstrating skills, and self-study and multimedia. In addition, findings also indicated that all participants in Thailand implemented standards provided by the Ministry of Education of Thailand. Participants in the United States adhered to the district, state, or national standards as a guide to create PE curriculum. The findings from this study will provide a clearer understanding of how PE teachers in each country feel regarding the elementary PE curriculum. Especially for PE teachers in Thailand, they will learn new knowledge to improve elementary PE pedagogy through higher quality elementary PE curricula in Thailand.


Content in elementary physical education, Curriculum development, Elementary physical education, Elementary teaching strategies, Pedagogy, Physical education


223 pages

Local Identifiers


Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author.
