First Advisor

Guyver, Russell

Second Advisor

Reddick, Carissa

Document Type


Date Created



College of Performing and Visual Arts, Music, Music Student Work


This is a study of a selection of works for violin composed in the twentieth century by Brazilian composers: Sonata for Violin and Piano by José Guerra Vicente (1906-1976); Chôro for Violin and Orchestra by Mozart Camargo Guarnieri (1907-1993), and Trio for Violin, Violoncello and Piano by César Guerra-Peixe (1914 -1993). These pieces contain strong identifiable nationalistic features of Brazilian music allied to twentieth-century compositional elements. The selected works will serve as examples for a study of compositions for violin incorporating the above-mentioned styles. These works have been selected to represent a variety of instrumental genres: a sonata for violin and piano, a concerto for violin and orchestra, and a piano trio. Each composition contains unique characteristics and no scholarly studies have been made of them to date. The first two cited works, Guerra-Vicente’s Sonata and Guarnieri’s Chôro, are in ternary forms, while the trio by Guerra-Peixe has sonata form as a compositional principle. The analytical procedures included, but are not limited to, the methods created by the formal theorists William Caplin,1 James Hepokoski, and Warren Darcy.2 The analytical portions of each chapter focused primarily in the first movements of each work, while the performance guide presented carefully chosen excerpts that contain special challenges. The first chapter provided an overview of the musical history in Brazil with additional information on the repertoire for violin, and each following chapter is dedicated to one of the composers and to his respective work. The chapters are subdivided per each composer’s background, information about the corresponding musical work, analysis, and a performance guide. The analytical portions of each chapter aim to help the performer to better understand the studied repertoire, providing relevant performance practice information for each musical work.


Brazilian Music for violin, Camargo Guarnieri, Guerra-Peixe, Guerra Vicente, Sonata Forms


182 pages

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Copyright belongs to the author
