First Advisor

Luckner, John L.

Document Type


Date Created



College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Special Education, Special Education Student Work


The purpose of this study was to determine how a family communication partner (usually the mother IS primarily responsible for communication with a youth with a communication disability) could be trained to use an iPad and communication software for increasing appropriate communication and decreasing inappropriate behavior of youth with severe/multiple disabilities. The research design was a qualitative case study consisting of pre- and post-interviews along with the intervention. Three mothers were given special training in using the MyTalkTools® app on the iPad as an AAC tool and using these tools in working with their youths. Data were also collected on youth behavior changes during the training. The data analysis included within-case analysis through the life story and a cross-case analysis to find similarities and differences between three cases. The results showed significant improvements in the communication behavior and reduction of inappropriate behaviors for the three youths with their family partners as effective trainers in different settings at home. Future research is recommended to expand and apply this study with larger sample sizes and more areas in Middle East countries. Key words: youth with severe/multiple disabilities, AAC, iPad, communication, behavior, family communication partner, FCT.


Students with disabilities -- Education; Special education -- Parent participation; iPad (Computer); Mobile communication systems in education


212 pages

Local Identifiers


Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author.
