First Advisor

Jackson, Lewis (Lewis B.)

Document Type


Date Created



College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Special Education, Special Education Student Work

Embargo Date



Students with disabilities are at greater risk for both being bullied and bullying others. Victims of bullying and those that engage in such behaviors are at risk for immediate and long-term mental and physical health issues. With an increased focus on anti-bullying legislation at the state and federal level and specific guidance provided by the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) and the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) regarding anti-bullying efforts specific to students with disabilities, it is critical that districts work to prevent and proactively address the bullying of and by students with disabilities. As leaders in special education within their districts, special education directors sit in a prime position to support such efforts. To better understand how policies and procedures, personnel development, hiring practices, and anti-bullying training impacts the bullying of and by students with disabilities, 9 rural district special education directors were interviewed. Supporting documents were also collected for review. Analysis of data revealed that directors’ identify relationships as a key foundational support for district wide anti-bullying efforts. Additional interventions include: proactively addressing acts of bullying; hiring personnel with a high level of interpersonal and behavioral management skills; and providing broad and specific anti-bullying training to staff, students, families, and the community. A comprehensive model has been created to demonstrate the impact these interventions may have in preventing and/or mitigating the bullying of or by students with disabilities. Implications for practices and opportunities for future research are also discussed.


Special education teachers; Children with disabilities -- Education; Developmentally disabled children -- Behavior modification; Bullying -- Prevention


197 pages

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