First Advisor

Williams, Mia K.

Document Type


Date Created



College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Educational Technology Programs, Ed Tech Student Work


The main purpose behind technology integration is to improve the teaching and learning process. Augmented reality (AR) is a new instructional tool in the educational field. Current literature showed AR integration is successful in the United States. However, it does not exist for Kuwait. Despite the time and money invested to integrate different instructional tools, teachers in Kuwait have been unaware of the existence of the AR application and its potential use in the classroom. There is a need to help teacher educators in Kuwait use AR applications and maximize the benefits of this technology for students’ best interests. This study explored the use of AR among teacher educators in the United States who currently used this technology in their classrooms. It also explored the opinions of Kuwait veteran teachers regarding AR technology integration, designed a process for strategic implementation aimed at teachers in Kuwait, and acted as a guide to follow for AR integration in education in Kuwait. The target population consisted of teacher educators from United States who have integrated AR applications in their teaching and veteran public elementary school teachers from Kuwait. This study employed a qualitative case study design. A number of interviews and focus group discussions were conducted to collect data. Major themes were developed for both samples. U.S. participants shared their educational experiences with AR integration. Although teacher-participants from Kuwait were initially overwhelmed with AR, this study found they would be willing to implement AR if supported by the government. The findings of the study provided a clear view of how to integrate AR technology as an educational tool to vary and improve instructional tools in Kuwait classrooms to meet young learners’ needs and interests. The recommendations for strategic implementation were specifically tailored for public schools in Kuwait. A suggestion for further research was to have a second phase of the study that would examine teacher-participants’ experiences with AR integration. Finally, implications of this research study supported every educator who had never considered nor integrated AR as an instructional tool, specifically teachers in Kuwait.


140 pages

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Copyright is held by the author.

Digital Origin

Born digital
