First Advisor

Vogel, Linda

Document Type


Date Created



College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Leadership Policy and Development: Higher Education and P-12 Education, LPD Student Work


Supporting children who are living in conditions of economic poverty has been an issue that educational leaders have attempted to solve for many years. Much of the research has focused on alleviating the conditions associated with poverty in urban settings. The share of the population living in poverty in the suburbs is increasing at a faster rate than the share of the population living in urban settings. The supports to alleviate suburban poverty that have been applied have generalized the response structures that were based on studies from urban and rural setting. The purpose of this study was to contribute additional understanding about the educational supports those living in poverty in the suburbs believe that they need in order for their children to succeed. The goal of this study was to close the research gap and answer the following central question: What do suburban families who qualify for free and reduced lunch perceive they need to support their children’s academic success in school? Additional research questions were related to the parents’ definitions of success, what the parents hoped for their children, what supports that they have used, and what they saw as needs that could be addressed by the school. This qualitative case study examined the perceptions of educational supports of parents in eight families. The case study method was used to articulate stories and compare responses from varying family perspectives. Some of the limitations of this study were related to sampling size and regional nature of the sample. The themes that emerged were communication, an action orientation, and alignment of social-emotional needs. Close evaluation of these themes contributed to the development of an overarching concept about what parents need from schools and the ways in which school-building leaders can respond.


127 pages

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Copyright is held by the author.
