First Advisor

Wright, Stephen

Document Type


Date Created



College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Applied Psychology and Counselor Education, APCE Student Work


The moderating role of mindfulness on the relationships between trait emotional intelligence (TEI) and both attachment-related anxiety and avoidance among college students (N = 510) was explored in the present study. Descriptive statistics and Pearson correlations aligned with the extant body of literature, suggesting strong relationships between attachment-related anxiety, avoidance, and TEI. As expected, results suggested a strong relationship between levels of mindfulness and TEI. In the interest of assessing the degree to which mindfulness explained variance in participants’ TEI levels (while accounting for attachment levels), a hierarchical multiple regression was conducted. Data analysis indicated that the variables college classification (e.g., freshman), attachment-related anxiety, mindfulness, and the moderator variable of attachmentrelated anxiety with mindfulness each made unique and significant contributions to the overall explained variance in global TEI levels. Mindfulness did not explain a significant amount of variance in TEI levels among participants who reported higher levels of attachment-related avoidance. Findings were interpreted and expanded upon through the lens of attachment theory as both a relational and emotion-regulation model. Practice implications were discussed as they may meet the unique needs of adults with higher levels of attachment-related anxiety. Mental health professionals may be better equipped to treat this population more effectively by integrating mindfulness-based interventions into the therapeutic process. Thus, clinicians may anticipate the individuals who demonstrate increased levels of mindfulness to also express increased levels of TEI.


185 pages

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