First Advisor

Weiler, Spencer

Document Type


Date Created



College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Leadership Policy and Development: Higher Education and P-12 Education, LPD Student Work


Background: The Colorado General Assembly created the Educator Effectiveness Act in 2011. This legislation established the State Council for Educator Effectiveness (The Council). The Council was tasked with developing the purpose behind and structure for a new evaluation system for the state of Colorado. The purpose of the Colorado Model Evaluation System (CMES) established by the Council was “to provide meaningful and credible feedback that improves performance” (State Council for Educator Effectiveness, 2011). With the purpose of and outline for the new evaluation system created by the Council, the Colorado Department of Education developed the Colorado Model Evaluation System (CMES). The CMES was initially piloted and fully adopted during the 2014-2015 school year. One population of educators being evaluated using the CMES was principals. Purpose: The purpose of this research study was to identify principals’ perceptions of the feedback they were receiving as a part of the CMES. The research questions for this study were: What are principals’ perceptions of the Colorado Model Evaluation System (CMES) evaluation process? What are principals’ perceptions of the CMES evaluation feedback? According to principals’ perceptions, how is the feedback from the CMES evaluation process altering principals’ practice? Participants for the study were principals being evaluated using the CMES. The method used to collect the research was an online survey questionnaire using Qualtrics. The research was analyzed using quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods strategies. Findings: There were 152 participants in this study. The largest number of participants perceived the CMES as positively altering their practice. The second largest number of participants believed the feedback had no impact on their practice. The main positive perceptions of the CMES and feedback were that the system helps them focus their attention on their practice and that it is a system based on improvement. The perceived areas where CMES and feedback can improve were by making the system less cumbersome, and the potential improved connection between the evaluators, the system, and the principals being evaluated.


240 pages

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