First Advisor

Singleton, Kenneth

Document Type


Date Created



College of Performing and Visual Arts, Music, Music Student Work


There is an abundance of literature that has been and is currently being written for the wind ensemble that is influenced by the compositional techniques utilized in minimalism, one of the most significant musical styles of the late twentieth-century, and is associated with the music of LaMonte Young, Terry Riley, Steve Reich, Philip Glass, John Adams, and Michael Torke. This influence has expanded the vocabulary of the expressive musical language of the wind ensemble in regards to musical elements such as form and process, melody, harmony, rhythm, texture, and sound. By identifying minimalist compositional characteristics, as well as examining the history of the relationship between minimalism and the wind ensemble, it is possible to trace the gradual development of this influence on literature for the medium from the 1960s to the present day. A process for detailed examination and analysis of compositional techniques that demonstrate the influence of minimalism by composers of wind ensemble literature is developed by building on and incorporating elements of prior analytical models. By engaging in this type of study, wind ensemble conductors will gain historical context of the literature, as well as develop a deeper understanding of the musical language of minimalism and how its influence is utilized. This results in the development of a more effective comprehension of the literature for the conductor, leading to fulfilling musical performances for the performers and audience.


150 pages

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