First Advisor

Hess, Robyn S.

Document Type


Date Created



College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, School Psychology, School Psychology Student Work


Student athletes experience many stressors due to the intensity of their training schedules, team travel, and the added pressure of playing at the top of their sport while meeting the rigorous academic demands of the university. This mixed methods study evaluated the effectiveness of psychoeducational group counseling for student athletes (SAs) at a Western university. Ratings of overall wellness (at pre- and post-intervention) were assessed using the Journey to Wellness scale and semi-structured interviews; bimonthly check-ins were used to measure social connection. Sixteen SAs participated in this study. The results of this study indicated the overall wellness of SAs who participated in the psychoeducational group counseling increased. Further, SAs shared they used more preventive coping strategies, increased the number and depth of their contacts with others including both student athletes and non-athletes, and experienced more confidence as they looked forward to their next transition (e.g., graduation, new role in athletic department). Students reported that feeling supported, gaining confidence, and learning new coping skills were the most helpful aspects of the group. The timing of the group and seriousness of personal concerns served as potential barriers. This study implied SAs might benefit from learning additional coping strategies as well as connecting with other student athletes and non-student athletes.


174 pages

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Copyright is held by the author.
