First Advisor

Bardos, Achilles N.

Document Type


Date Created



College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, School Psychology, School Psychology Student Work


According to recent research, numerous components of psychological well-being have indicated Americans are struggling psychologically. Given that psychological well-being has a bidirectional and, in some cases, a predictive relationship with various environmental factors, this study sought to discover the “missing link” of psychological well-being. In doing so, this study organized parental meta-emotion philosophy, emotion expression, romantic relationship satisfaction, and psychological well-being into unique measurement and structural models. Correlations, t-tests and structural equation modeling conducted on a sample of 167 indicated emotion-coaching and psychological well-being were significantly related to romantic relationship satisfaction. Further, emotionally-dismissive parenting was significantly related to emotion expression in relationships. No significant, predictive relationships were found between variables. These results served as a foundation for future research seeking to understand how parental characteristics during childhood and current day relationship satisfaction help to support and influence psychological well-being.


223 pages

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Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author.
