First Advisor

Johnson, Brian

Document Type


Date Created



College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Applied Psychology and Counselor Education, APCE Student Work


Latinos are at unique risk for experiencing untreated mental illness. These men face structural, cultural and gender specific barriers that may inhibit their use of counseling services. The current study provided greater insight into the factors that positively influence Latinos intention to seek these services. Building upon previous research, the current bi-lingual study recruited participants from Northern Colorado. Using an empirically supported model for explaining human behavior, the influence of traditional machismo, caballerismo, and attitudes as they relate to Latinos intention to seek counseling services were examined. In addition, the current study included measures of psychological distress, acculturation and enculturation, as well as previous counseling experience, as these factors have been found to independently relate to ratings of intention to seek counseling. Results of the hierarchical regression analysis involved 142 self-identified Latino men which revealed that current psychological distress and attitudes toward seeking mental health services to be significant predictors of intention to seek counseling ratings. Although neither traditional machismo nor caballerismo were found to account for a significant amount of variance in intention ratings, both variables were significantly correlated with attitudes toward seeking mental health services as well as ratings of current psychological distress. Potential implications for the field of counseling psychology was discussed, including suggestion for improving interventions with clients (i.e., reframing exercises) as well as perceptions of the services provided by our field (i.e., improved attitudes toward seeking mental health services). The lack of statistically significant findings, as well as the exploratory nature of this study, suggested the need for further research to better understand the complex relationships among Latino Masculinity ideologies and attitudes toward seeking mental health services.


228 pages

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