First Advisor

Li, Amy

Document Type


Date Created



College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Leadership Policy and Development: Higher Education and P-12 Education, LPD Student Work


“Scandal is a phenomenon associated with sports both professional and collegiate. Virtually no sports are immune to scandal” (Prior et al., 2013, p. 189). Scandals in college athletics have become a topic of interest for the higher education community, arising over the last decade. High profile institutions are being publicly implicated and found guilty of transgressions that alter the way these universities are viewed. The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is the governing body of college athletic departments. This body regulates the actions of its members institutions by establishing specific regulations around recruiting, player interaction and many other facets of the experience. This research seeks to understand the impact had on the university when a scandal is discovered and made public. This interpretivist case study is designed to approach the topic of athletic department scandals from an enrollment management/admissions perspective to gain understanding on how the institutional brand, reputation and overall image is impacted. Nine university staff members were interviewed, and their responses were analyzed to develop an understanding of the topic. The findings from this study include lack of impact from the scandal as well as various implications for the university including transparency and consistent communication from administrative positions.


157 pages

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Copyright is held by the author.

Digital Origin

Born digital
