First Advisor

Copeland, Darcy A.

Document Type


Date Created



College of Natural and Health Sciences, Nursing, Nursing Student Work


The purpose of this research was to explore academic nurse educator attitudes, specifically beliefs and values, regarding their role educating ethnically and racially diverse students through the lens of culturally relevant pedagogy. Focused ethnography methodology was applied through all phases of this research. Interviews with 14 academic nurse educators provided insight into a subculture of nursing. Themes that emerged from data analysis included strengths perspective, teacher-student relationships, diversity as an asset, crucial or difficult conversations, and ethnicity and race setting the narrative. In addition, assimilation and white privilege were discussed due to compelling and varied responses from participants. The results of this research might influence nursing education and research. Aside from the information gleaned from the attitudes about the faculty role, the study also added to methodological knowledge on the use of focused ethnography to explore the unique subculture of academic nurse educators. This exploration of nurse educators’ attitudes for the purpose of understanding their beliefs and values regarding their role demonstrated the importance of bringing key stakeholders to the table. This study contributed to the assessment of the state of the nursing academe in achieving the social justice mandate of nursing and, in this way, contributed to educational equity.


139 pages

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Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author.
