First Advisor

Erekson, James

Document Type


Date Created



College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Teacher Education, Teacher Education Student Work


This study explored the pedagogical decision-making process for four English Language Arts teachers in upper elementary grades three through five in Title I schools in a state in the Rocky Mountain Mid-west. Characteristics of Title I schools vary, which might influence how teachers perceive pedagogy for English Language Arts content. This multiple case study sought to (a) determine the factors that influenced teachers’ pedagogical decisions when planning ELA instruction, (b) describe the implications of pedagogical decisions for the Title I upper elementary students, and (c) identify the challenges and opportunities of Title I upper elementary teachers’ pedagogical choices using interviews, artifact collection, and observations. The results of this study found five themes that influenced teachers’ pedagogical decision-making: curriculum, administrative expectations, engagement, targets, and supportive instructional strategies.


201 pages

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Copyright is held by the author.
