First Advisor

Weiler, Spencer

Document Type


Date Created



College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Leadership Policy and Development: Higher Education and P-12 Education, LPD Student Work


Research has shown conflicting results in the study of the relationship between student achievement and school facility condition. Much of the research has focused on specific aspects of the school facility or included the completion of surveys by school personnel. This study included a focus on the overall condition of school facilities according to the Facilities Conditions Index (FCI) as indicated in the Colorado Statewide Financial Assistance Priority Assessment conducted under the direction of the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) in fiscal year 2009-2010. The FCI was used as the independent variable while student achievement on the Colorado Student Assessment Program (CSAP) was used as the dependent variable. Hierarchical multiple regression (HMR) analyses were conducted to investigate the relationship between student achievement on the CSAP in reading, writing, and math and school facility conditions according to the FCI while controlling for English Language Learner (ELL), Special Education (SPED), and Free and Reduced Lunch (FRL) populations. Due to suggestions of multicollinearity between the control variables of ELL and FRL as well as minimal R² change values following the addition of the FCI into the models in the original analyses; 21 additional analyses were conducted which included control variable variations as well as simple bivariate or zero-order correlations. Consequently, 24 analyses were ran. The results of the three Hierarchical multiple regression (HMR) analyses in reading, writing, and math which addressed the original research questions indicated that one would fail to reject the null hypotheses and indicated that there is no relationship between student achievement on the Colorado Student Assessment Program (CSAP) and the Facilities Conditions Index (FCI) when controlling for English Language Learner (ELL), Special Education (SPED), and Free and Reduced Lunch (FRL) populations. These analyses found ELL, SPED, and FRL to be significant in explaining the variance in CSAP scores while the FCI was found not to be significant. The correlations between student achievement and ELL and FRL populations were strong while the correlations with SPED and the FCI were weak. Although weak, correlations revealed that greater percentages of students scoring proficient or advanced on the CSAP were associated with lower FCI indices or better facility conditions. Better student performance on the CSAP was also associated with lower percentages of ELL, SPED, and FRL populations. The correlations also revealed that the FCI is positively correlated with ELL, SPED, and FRL populations or that poorer facility conditions are associated with greater percentages of ELL, SPED, and FRL populations. The variable of Free and Reduced Lunch (FRL) population was found to be the greatest predictor of student achievement. The multiple analyses conducted indicated that student achievement on the CSAP in traditional Colorado public elementary schools and the Facilities Conditions Index (FCI), as an indicator of school facility condition, have a weak negative relationship and exhibit little shared variance. In other words, there is little to no relationship between school facility condition and student achievement.

Abstract Format



Educational tests and measurements; Education policy; Elementary school facilities; Assessment


175 pages

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