First Advisor

Helm, Heather

Document Type


Date Created



College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Applied Psychology and Counselor Education, APCE Student Work


Wonderfulness Interviews (WI) have been discussed as a meaningful entry point into the counseling relationship in Narrative Therapy with children and families (Ingamells, 2016; Marsten et al., 2016). Wonderfulness Interviews are designed to uncover and story a person’s Wonderfulnesses and reclaim “the person and the territory of the conversation from the problem” in work with children and families in Narrative Therapy (Ingamells, 2016, p. 61). WI allow individuals to enter into the therapeutic relationship through telling stories of the qualities that make them the most exemplary as human beings (Marsten et al., 2016). WI and their potential contributions had not been researched in the supervisory relationship. The literature on supervision models and the importance of quality supervisory relationships is vast (Bernard & Luke, 2015; Ratts, 2009; Shepard & Brew, 2013). Supervision is an essential aspect of counselor training and development. The first experiences counselors-in-training (CIT) and supervisors-in-training (SIT) have in supervision occurs during practicum courses within graduate degree programs. CIT and SIT can struggle while adapting to the pressures and responsibilities of new professional roles (Borders et al., 2017; Nelson et al., 2006.) This single-design case study utilized Co-Wonderfulness Interviews (CWI) with one supervisory dyad, a CIT and a SIT, and examined their supervisory relationship throughout a practicum course. The results of this study can contribute to the literature concerning supervisory practices and the potential reciprocal benefits CWI has for CIT and SIT and their supervisory relationship. This research also informs new and creative efforts in training and practice for counselor educators and supervisors.


252 pages

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