First Advisor
McConnell, Christy
Document Type
Date Created
College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Teacher Education, Teacher Education Student Work
This qualitative study employed educational criticism and connoisseurship to examine the curricular intentions of a school that was pushing to reform traditional standards-based curriculum methods. Improvement of the educational process required that focus be given to schools who had begun to do things differently, schools that had taken a risk to reform. This study examined a public school that holds innovation status. Data collection included interviews with the three founding teachers of the school and document analysis of a planning session transcript that included the school’s nine staff members. Additionally, data collection included document analysis of the founding teachers’ participation in a focus group that included a photo elicitation activity. Due to its acknowledgement of the robust nature of institutions, the five elements of Elliot Eisner’s (1998) ecology of schooling were employed as a framework for investigation of curriculum intentions. The lenses of reform, socio-emotional learning, and community learning pedagogies brought to life the examination of the intentions written into the innovation school’s mission statement. Findings of this study indicated a connection between the theory of perceptive teaching with the school’s ability to create mission-driven intentional curriculum.
157 pages
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Copyright is held by the author.
Digital Origin
Born digital
Recommended Citation
Monaghan, Tatum Michele, "The Science Is in the Dance: The Curricular Intentions of an Innovation School" (2022). Dissertations. 854.