First Advisor

Harding, Jenni

Document Type


Date Created



College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Teacher Education, Teacher Education Student Work


The purpose of this research study was to provide a quantitative approach to the study of induction programs as a means to demonstrate their importance to lessening teacher attrition rates. The collection of quantitative data collected through an online Likert style survey was intended compare multiple induction programs and determine which induction program components are connected to increased job satisfaction and decreased teacher attrition. One school district agreed to participate in the online survey; 31 teachers completed it and were included in the results of the study. Due to unforeseen circumstances caused by COVID-19 and other uncontrollable factors, the study was not able to be completed in a manner that compared multiple schools or school districts. Instead, qualitative data were added through interview connecting numerical data with the emotions of being a novice teacher. Four novice teachers and one school principal were interviewed. The results of this study impact three groups of educators: administrators, teachers, and policy makers determining that support is necessary for novice teachers and should come from the administrator. Policy makers should be aware that support for novice teachers is necessary to retention. Both mentors and a system of support are important components of induction programs. More research will determine the connection between job satisfaction and perception of support and how they relate to teacher attrition.


101 pages

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