The Relationship between Motivation for and Engagement in Good and Poor Behavior in Youth Ice Hockey
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Moral development is often an omnipresent reason for parents supporting adolescent participation in youth sport (Arthur-Banning et al., 2018). However, motivational forces that influence both the cognitive and behavioral manifestations of moral and immoral behavior in youth sport remain convoluted (Hodge & Lonsdale, 2011). Ryan and Deci (2000) proposed motivation is a function of environmental structures that fluctuate on a continuum of overt control or support of autonomy. Theoretically, support of autonomy relates to intrinsic forms of motivation, whereas controlling environments relates to extrinsic forms (Ryan & Deci, 2000). Youth hockey athletes (N= 68, Mage = 12.24, SDage = 2.33) completed measures of self-reported hockey-specific good and poor sport behavior (GPSB; Lavoi & Stellino, 2008), and two adapted versions of the behavioral regulation in sport questionnaire (BRSQ; Lonsdale et al., 2008) to reference good and poor hockey behaviors. Correlations were initially conducted to analyze the data followed by linear regressions to interpret directionality of theorized relationships. Results indicated intrinsic motivation for good sport behavior was a significant predictor of both dimensions of good sport behavior; Concern and Respect for Others and Graciousness (F(1,65) = 4.71 -6.22, p = .02 - .03, B = .26 - .30). Extrinsic motivation for poor sport behavior was a significant predictor of one dimension of poor sport behavior; Play and Talk Tough (F(1,65) = 4.59, p = .04, B = .26) and intrinsic motivation for poor sport behavior was a significant predictor of the other dimension of poor sport behavior; Complain and Whine (F(1,65) = 6.04, p = .02, B = .29). Findings emphasize the necessity to measure domain specific moral and immoral motivations for behaviors to thoroughly understand the complexities associated with moral development in the youth sport context. Implications of the current results, limitations, and future research directions will also be presented.
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Vinzant, Kolton; McCarver, Zachery; and Stellino, Megan Babkes, "The Relationship between Motivation for and Engagement in Good and Poor Behavior in Youth Ice Hockey" (2020). 2020 Graduate Presentations. 2.
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This presentation is a finalist for the Graduate Social Sciences, Education, Business Research Excellence Award