Self-Regulated Learning and Participation: Why Students Decide Not to Participate

Presenter Information

Dinçer Özoran, ATILIM University


Ross 2280

Event Type


Start Date

10-6-2016 9:00 AM

End Date

10-6-2016 9:50 AM


In scope of my PhD thesis, we implement flipped approach in undergraduate database course to learn from the relation between flipped classroom and self‐regulated learning to offer a better instructional design. We observe that students who use more SRL strategies (also who have high GPA) participate more to both online and in‐class activities and therefore benefit more from the flipped model. We used qualitative approach to understand the reasons why students decide to participate or not to participate in the activities.

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Jun 10th, 9:00 AM Jun 10th, 9:50 AM

Self-Regulated Learning and Participation: Why Students Decide Not to Participate

Ross 2280

In scope of my PhD thesis, we implement flipped approach in undergraduate database course to learn from the relation between flipped classroom and self‐regulated learning to offer a better instructional design. We observe that students who use more SRL strategies (also who have high GPA) participate more to both online and in‐class activities and therefore benefit more from the flipped model. We used qualitative approach to understand the reasons why students decide to participate or not to participate in the activities.